Good Candidate For Hair Transplant

Good Candidate For Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a cosmetic operation that requires several conditions to be successful.
Hair transplantation is an operation that lasts at least 5 hours, it is an operation that requires experience and professionalism.
the right candidate for this operation must have: – good health, no heart disease, no unregulated or type A diabetes, no contagious disease, especially no Throis, Hepatits and HIV, a blood pressure problem which is not settle and stable, and he must not have skin problems.
The patient should not have a degree of alcohol in the blood before the operation, as he should not also take drugs like Aspirin which influence the circulation of blood in the body.
– The patient must also have a good donor area, hair transplantation requires taking grafts from the area behind the head and implanting them in the area of ​​baldness, which can be in the forehead, the middle and the area of ​​the head. crown. If the patient does not have enough donor area to cover the area of ​​baldness, then he is not able to do the hair transplant and he is not a good candidate for this surgery.
There are quite a few cases of patients that they have a weak donor area, and a large area of baldness, so their donor area does not cover all their baldness, and which only covers half, with a hope of doing a second hair transplant operation to cover the remaining area, if their donor area will allow this after 6 months up to 1 years from the first operation. But most of them do not manage to be good candidates to redo the operation.
Hair transplantation is a problem that affects most people. either women or men, but the percentage of men affected by this problem is higher than that of men, and the cause of this hair loss problem can be varied, stress, due to illnesses, accidents such as burns and also can be genetics.
Today hair transplantation is more convenient and most people choose to do it to solve the problem of baldness. Turkey is now among the most visited countries for hair transplantation and cosmetic operations, thanks to its reasonable price. and its best quality.
Before a hair transplant, the patient has all the criteria that makes him a good candidate to do this surgery, he must be examined by a doctor and answer several questions, for his health, his age etc.
In Doctor Olcay Saygin’s Zen Hair clinic, the Doctor insists on asking questions to reassure himself that the person is a good candidate for this hair transplant.
The questions to be prepared by the doctor are as follows
1. Your full name and age?
2. living country?
3. What’s your weight?
4. What’s your height?
5. Have you had a Hair Transplant before? If YES:
when? how many sessions? Which method used? How many grafts?
6. Have you ever gone to a dentist and applied local anesthesia without problems?
7. Is there any kind of medication you take it regularly?
8. Do you take Aspirin?
9. Do you have any diseases (, Thyroid, Hepatitis, HIV)?
10. Do you have gastrointestinal disease, ADS?
11. Do you have a dermatology disease (psoriasis, acne, eczema)?
12. Do you have heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes?
13. Do you have any type of allergy? like for certain antibiotics and ibuprofen?
14. Do you use drugs?
15. Do you smoke cigarettes?
16. Do you drink alcohol?
17. How did you find us?
18. What kind of work do you do? office job? or physical?
All these questions are important to assess the patient’s condition, and to avoid any unsuccessful operation or complications during the operation, since the hair transplant operation is a long and difficult operation, which lasts at least 5 hours and which can last up to 8 hours.
among the conditions that can negatively affect the success of the operation
– The age, the candidates having an age of less than 25 years, they are absolutely not good candidates, because their hair loss is not yet stabilized, so it is difficult to anticipate the final stage of baldness in this kind of patient . For these patients at this age, the solution for them is injections which help to fight against hair loss and help with regrowth such as PRP and mezotherapy.
– Donor area, this part is the basis of hair transplantation, if the patient’s donor area is not strong enough to cover the baldness area, the patient cannot do hair transplantation, the donor area is the back area of the head and the sides, this is the place where the grafts must be extracted to settle in the area of ​​​​calcivity
– Health, health can play a very important role for the failure of the hair transplant, if the patient uses medication that can cause hair loss, or drinks alcohol before the operation and during the healing period . Failure to follow the instructions given by the doctor before and after the operation is a definitive cause for the failure of the operation.
In the clinic of Doctor Olcay Saygin, the medical assistant follows up with the patients before the operation so that they are able to do the operation and to avoid any danger of non-success of the operation or health danger during the operation, a list instructions are shared with patients before the operation 15 days, and another is shared after the operation.
Before the operation, the patient must stop alcohol 15 days before the date of surgery, as he must stop all medications such as aspirin which influence the normal circulation of blood in the body.
the patient should also stop energy drinks and coffee.
It is also obligated that the patient does not use any new drugs without sharing the name and the cause that let her take this drug and have the doctor’s approval.
If the patient follows all the instructions given by the doctor, the operation should be 100 percent successful, if done by an experienced doctor who gives the right instructions and performs the surgery in the right manner and with professionalism.
Doctor Olcay Saygin from ZenHair clinic has an experience of more than 15 years in this field, with her great experience, she does a good follow-up before and after the operation for the best result.
If you want to be in safe hands, in a place where your health is most important, and be surrounded by a professional and experienced team, please contact us.

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